
1 2013

3:30PM JCC Community Hanukkah Celebration

3:30PM - 7:00PM  

JCC of Allentown 702 N. 22nd Street
Allentown, PA 18104

Contact Brenda Finberg
610-435-3571 x 121

Join us for a Community Hanukkah celebration including candlelighting, dinner and  a concert. Registration is required, space is limited! Register at the JCC Welcome desk or call 610-435-3571 on or before 11/22/13.

Pricing: $40 for a family of 4 (does not include Bricks for Kids); Individuals 2-12 years $9; Adults $13

3:30 PM-Bricks for Kids ($10.00 a kit)
4:30 PM-Community Candle Lighting
5:00 PM-Latke Bar, Donut Bar and Refreshments
6:00 PM-Magic Show with Seth Dale