
12 2013

8:00AM JCC Mothers Day Brunch

8:00AM - 10:00AM  

JCC of Allentown 702 N. 22nd Street
Allentown, PA 18104

Contact Terrence Baker
610-435-3571 x 132

JCC Mothers Day Brunch - presented by Camps at the J! Join JCC Camp Staff as we honor and treat our favorite people in the world, Moms! PRICE: $9.00 Adults; $6.00 Children 3-12 (under 3 are free). JCC MEMBER DISCOUNT: Moms are free; $6.00 Adults; $4.00 Children 3-12 (under 3 are free). Pre-Registration is necessary by Wednesday, May 9th through the JCC Welcome Desk. Questions: Contact Terrence Baker at 610-435-3571 x 132