He was present during the Presbyterian divestment vote and has been involved in multiple efforts to fight the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, a campaign against Israel.
With his insider's perspective, Noam Gilboord will untangle the web of this complex topic and answer the questions on our minds.
Noam is the director of community strategy for the Israel Action Network, a strategic initiative of The Jewish Federations of North America, in partnership with the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. He is responsible for strengthening the capacity of local community professionals in combating the assault on Israel’s legitimacy. Noam was formerly the coordinator for Israel and International Affairs at the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, where he was instrumental in successfully defeating the Park Slope Food Coop’s motion to join the BDS movement and in collecting over 107,000 signatures opposing the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state.
Sponsored by the Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, the event is free and open to the public. RSVPs appreciated to aaron@jflv.org.
Sponsor: Community Relations Council