The Jewish Federation recently relaunched its group for adults ages 30 to 45. Like the Federation’s other affinity groups—the Maimonides Society and Women’s Philanthropy—NextGen gathers regularly for members to schmooze, learn, join in family outings, and help support the Federation’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs.
So far NextGen has held a Havdalah movie night, family picnics, a visit to a beer garden and a brewery tour (adults only!), a night of Rock ‘n’ Bowl Glow Light Bowling, and, on the more serious side, an expert-led educational session on “What No One Tells You about Israel and the Middle East,” and group mitzvah (good deed) projects. As these events suggest, creative, fun, and informative get-togethers and outings will keep things interesting as the membership continues to grow.
As the young leaders of NextGen are the future of the Jewish community, young adults are encouraged to join their age peers for good times, mutual support, and philanthropy and to shape the way the community of the future looks.