Join the Jewish community at the IronPigs! Kosher food and Jewish-themed games between innings. Show your pride!
Shlock Rock will perform before the game at 6 p.m.
Group tickets available through the following organizations:
Bnai Abraham Synagogue | 610-258-5343
Congregation Brith Sholom | 610-866-8009
Congregation Keneseth Israel | 610-435-9074
Congregation Sons of Israel | 610-433-6089
Jewish Community Center of Allentown | 610-435-3571
Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley | 610-437-0721
Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley Young Adult Division | 610-821-5500 (SOLD OUT)
Temple Shirat Shalom | 610-730-6272
To purchase individual seats, visit the IronPigs website at www.ironpigsbaseball.com or call 610-841-PIGS.